Helpful links

The Carpathia Foundation
Visit the Carpathia Foundation 501(c)3 non-profit charity. It's purpose is to support Danube Swabian and German culture, customs, and amateur soccer. Read more at their website
​Donauschawben Clubs in the USA
Akron, OH - German Family Society
Chicago, IL - American Aid Society of German Descendants
Chicago, IL - Donauschwaben Society of Chicago
Chicago, IL - Grun Weiss Soccer Club
Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Donauschwaben
Cleveland, OH - Donauschwaben German American Cultural Center
Los Angeles, CA - Vereinigung von Süd Kalifornien
Mansfield, OH - Mansfield Liederkranz
Milwaukee, WI - Milwaukee Sport Club
Milwaukee, WI - United Donauschwaben of Milwaukee
Philadelphia, PA - Danube Swabian Association of Philadelphia and Vicinity
Philadelphia, PA - United German Hungarians
St. Louis, MO - German Cultural Society
Trenton, NJ - Trenton Donauschwaben Association
Die Donauschwäbische Stiftung der USA
Landesverband der Donauschwaben, USA
Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands
Donauschwaben Clubs Outside of the USA
Weltdachverband der Donauschwaben
​Our Friends in Other German Groups
German American Cultural Center
German Professional Women's Association
German American Business Council of Michigan
​Local Bands
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