The club is in the process of moving locations, so there's a lot happening right now. We'll keep all the updates posted here on this page.
Property Update
Exciting news! On May 13th, the Carpathia Club closed on approximately 18 acres on Romeo Plank Road, just North of 28 Mile Road in Ray Township, Macomb County. Near term activities - site plan, determining building size/layout, and obtaining estimates for all the planned work.
The work will be done in phases, with Phase 1 focusing on a meeing place for our members. Subsequent phases will focus on soccer fields, internal improvements, and property improvements.
On June 23rd from 2PM-4PM at the GACC, the committee will present our plans, obtain member's feedback, and continue to move forward with Carpathia Club's new home! Please have your membership up to date in advance to attend and vote.

Generalversamlung (General Meeting) 2024
The Annual General Meeting was held on February 18th from 2PM-4PM.
Property Update: Based on inspections and soil sample results, the club decided not to pursue the Foss Road property. Because the board was careful to have a detailed contract, the club did recover the $5000 earnest money. The club's membership voted to continue looking for property and renting until we find a new home. The membership also voted to continue the Future of the Club Committee’s annual allowance to use club funds for property deposits. The board thanked and honored the 2023 Future of the Club Committee with special service awards and pins. A new 2024 Future of the Club Committee will be established to keep our momentum in finding a good property for the club.
Detailed meeting minutes and financial summaries are available to all members by contacting the board directly at carpathiaclub@comcast.net. Thank you to the club's board for their hard work and for a good meeting. Congratulations to the newly elected members.

Christmas Greeting from our Club President
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Hello ALL!
In September, many traveled to Mansfield, OH, for the annual Treffen. It was a wonderful event and our youth group did a FABULOUS performance! Our club should be very proud of their show! Truly wonderful!
At our half year meeting, the membership overwhelmingly supported our plan to buy land or improved land in Macomb County. In September, we entered into a Letter of Intent (LIO) to buy improved land in Macomb Township for $455,000. Thank you, Tim Busch, for keeping an eye open for potential properties and communicating to the committee that this property was for sale.
The property is approximately 15 acres and has two buildings on the property (a pole barn and garage). We expect to turn one of the buildings (most likely the pole barn) into our future meeting space. With approximately 15 acres, we will have enough room to build a soccer field and/or a pavilion (a future project as it will take most likely a year to get the existing property to a useable state). We are working with our attorney to draft a purchase agreement and if everything goes according to plan, we will close in late 2023 or early 2024.
Exciting times! If you have questions, please contact a committee member, or the executive board. I want to thank the committeee for their tireless search for our new home, and I want to thank the board for their guidance.
I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Grüß Gott,
Rob Hanschu
President, Carpathia Club

Semi-Annual Membership Meeting 2023
The semi-annual membership meeting was held Sunday, September 10th, 2023, from 2PM - 4PM.
After a call to order and then a moment of silence, the board began the meeting with the treasurer's report, and Untergruppen reports. This was followed by the President's report.
Since Carpathia Club has sold its Utica Road property, the Future of the Club Committee (the committee looking for our next location) has looked at hundreds of lease and for-purchase properties this year. Carpathia has discussed offers on lease options and made bids on two for-purchase properties (a Foss Road property by 24 Mile and the former Macomb Lion's Club property on North Avenue) but neither bid went through. But the Future of the Club Committee has learned so much during this process. They explained why we’re no longer looking at lease properties. Also, they have met with Mark Hackel’s office at the county level as well as meeting with local city and township boards.
The committee reviewed four of the latest property options and gave their recommendation. The board ran a straw poll which showed overwhelming support of the recommendation.
The president's report allowed time for questions and a very good discussion. The Blas Road Trip was a huge success. Seventy (70) kids participated in the Carpathia Kickers camp, and the Kickers have added even more teams. The board thanked the Future of the Club committee for their commitment and countless hours of work, thanked Keith McVettie for his many years of service with the Carpathia Kickers, thanked Paul Schwalbe for his many years of service with the youth group, and thanked the family of John F. Mueller who gave a generous donation to the club.

Verband der Donauschwaben USA (National Meeting)
The annual Landesverband meeting was held April 29th and 30th in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Verband is the association of the Donauschwaben clubs across the United States. Thank you to the Cincinnati Donauschwaben Society for hosting our annual national meeting this year.
Every April, Carpathia Club meets with our fellow clubs to discuss the state of our organizations, how we can improve, and what the future holds in store. The meeting also includes breakout sessions that cover many areas: Praesidenten, Frauen, Kultur, Kinder, Jugend, Fussball, Literatur und Kunst, and Website/Marketing. Each club came home with good ideas, renewed energy, and much hope for our future.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact our board at carpathiaclub@comcast.net. Thank you!

Generalversamlung (General Meeting) 2023
The annual Generalversamlung (General Membership Meeting) was held on Sunday, February 19, 2023, from 2PM-4PM at St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church on Chicago Road in Warren. The meeting reviewed the club's finances in detail including a comparison of 2022 to 2021 line items. The Bier & Brat fest and the Oktoberfest did very well financially, but did not come close to covering our property taxes which is one of our biggest expenses every year. The board also reviewed the sale , reviewed the status of the move, and elected new board members which are listed on our Club Board and Officers page of this website. The membership renewed the board's ability to bid on new properties for sale or lease. Coffee and cake was served afterwards.
If you have any membership questions, please contact Brigitte, our membership secretary, at carpathiaclub.membership@comcast.net. Thank you!

We're Moving Locations!
Carpathia Club has been part of Metro Detroit for over 100 years. That's not changing. But we are changing locations. The club is looking for properties in Macomb County: 2500+ square foot building with land (10 acres) or vacant land. Depending on availability, a building with land is preferred. Click here to see some of the current listings.
Identifying Meeting Rental Space
Until the new location is ready, Carpathia Club is looking into a few options for meeting spaces. Untergruppen have an immediate option with the Fraser Lion's Club for $130 for 2 hours or $160 for 4 hours. Club will pay, up to the dues collected in 2023.
The GACC will charge us $40/hour with a two-hour minimum. GACC leased space in a strip mall on Hayes and 17 Mile.

Letters, Notes, and Correspondence
During this moving process, please send correspondence to:
31408 Harper
Ste. #337
St. Clair Shores, MI 48082
Thank you!

Future of the Club Committee 2022-2023
Thank you to our volunteers who are helping move this process forward. If members have questions, ask anyone on the committee or any board members - they're here to support our membership. And as always, feel free to contact the club directly at carpathiaclub@comcast.net or 586-978-2242.
Future of the Club Committee Members:
Tony Brandelik
Rob Hanschu
Tammy Kapraun
Nick Kolling
Erwin Rauschendorfer
George Schleis
Kurt Seiberling
Rob Seiberling
Ingrid Stein
Mark Szymanski
Mike Talan
Peter Tittjung